GENEX offre une semence de taureaux profitables de qualité supérieure, ainsi que des programmes génétiques et de reproduction personnalisés. GENEX est votre partenaire quant à l’amélioration de la profitabilité à la ferme en permettant d’avoir plus de vaches gestantes et des veaux génétiquement supérieurs.

Build Tough Mommas

Female replacement numbers are low. But not any female will do.

You need hardworking momma cows - the ones that raise a heavy calf year after year, breed back every time, exhibit the udder, feet and leg structure necessary for the long-term success of your operation, and remain profitable.

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Proud Supported of Badass Mommas

That's the GENEX generation

Présentation des produits et taureaux GENEX

Herd Genetic Line

It begins with the best genetics

Together, we can breed the cow of the future - one that grows more efficiently and offers more performance and productivity.

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Featured Sires

Herd Care Line

Raising the cattle of tomorrow cannot be left to chance.

With the best herd care products in hand and plans for the next generation in mind, you can lay the foundation for the future, keeping your herd healthy, productive and growing.

View Cow and Calf Care

Featured Product

Herd Tech Line

Raising the cattle of tomorrow requires the latest technologies today.

Digital solutions, accessible any time any place, that bring out the best in you and your farm or ranch.

Herd Tech Line