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EMPowering tomorrow's cows to perform

Feed efficient with balanced production. Healthy cows that calve easily and transition seamlessly. Cows that work hard day in and day out, lactation after lactation. That’s the performance you expect from GENEX genetics. That’s ideal genetics for today’s modern dairies. Yet, the value of GENEX goes beyond simply providing genetics.

GENEX is your source for advanced reproductive solutions, strategic breeding programs, herd care products and more. Through customizable programs and personalized consultation, we deliver value and convenience to help you make your farm more efficient, profitable and successful. When partnering with GENEX, you won’t be the same, you’ll be better for the long term.

We are focused on helping you achieve your goals with progressive genetics for the future. Our ICC™ index, developed back in 2014 and enhanced since, is the ultimate selection tool for producing more efficient, productive and problem-free cows. Ask us about ICC™ and how it can impact your herd today.