24 janvier 2023
Take advantage of this limited time special pricing. Contact your GENEX representative today!
29 novembre 2022
Genex is seeking an Independent Contractor! Work independently, outdoors and with cattle.
8 janvier 2018
GENEX will begin marketing dairy and beef cattle genetics across the globe
under one brand name. Previously the organization’s cattle genetics were marketed under the GENEX brand name within the USA and Canada, while the same products were distributed globally by Cooperative Resources International (CRI) – the parent company of GENEX.
19 décembre 2017
The boards of directors of Koepon Holding BV and Cooperative Resources International (CRI) have reached agreement on a plan to merge their organizations.
31 octobre 2017
Don't miss out on the opportunity to purchase high quality beef semen at a discounted price!
30 août 2017
It is frustrating to hear the only thing standing between a herd and a 30% pregnancy rate is the lack of injections from a synchronization program. Don’t get me wrong, well-timed synch programs with excellent compliance will increase insemination rates versus heat detection alone and have been proven to improve fertility. However, many factors affect conception. What follows is data which may are new your interest in non-injectable factors—management factors—that improve reproduction and benefit
30 août 2017
When sitting down with Darin Dykstra of Dykstra Dairy in Maurice, Iowa, it doesn't take long to discover the passion he has for genetics and Holstein cows. A discussion with Darin on either of those topics is quick to reveal the realities of breeding for the ideal commercial Holstein cow.
9 février 2017
L’entreprise Boernview Farms Ltd. située à l’extérieur de Stratford, Ontario a récemment reçue le prix de distinction de reproduction au niveau d’or, soit le GOLD Reproduction award, pendant l’assemblée annuelle du Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council tenue en début novembre.
8 février 2017
L’Acétonémie est une maladie métabolique commune et couteuse qui peut augmenter les risques des vaches en matière de maladies métaboliques de lactation
18 janvier 2017
SHAWANO, Wisconsin — À compter de la publication des sommaires de taureaux du mois de décembre, la Coopérative Resources International (CRI) ajoute à l’indice de vaches commerciales idéales (ICC$) trois nouveaux caractères de santé exclusifs : l’Acétonémie Subclinique (SCK), la Métrite (MTR) et la Santé des Sabots (FH). Cette modification favorisera une meilleure santé dans l’élevage de vaches commerciales idéales.